This free course, “5 Steps to Get Anyone to Lean in and Listen To You” is our way of saying “Thank you!” for subscribing to our Breaking Open Abundance newsletter.
This course is just over 15 minutes in length, with each lesson lasting no more than 3 minutes, but it’s value-packed.
Based on the 5-step process I used to:
- Market my business on a $0 marketing budget;
- Become an international speaker, award-winning author, and conference instructor without having degrees, titles, certifications, or a huge following;
- Get CEO’s of 6-, 7-, and even 8-figure businesses listening to me, seeking my advice, and willing to partner with me for greater things;
- Gain recognition as one of the most valued members of the team without a title, a promotion, or an election;
- Land a position as an editor at a magazine and a seat on the Board of Directors of a 6-figure corporation
Free Course Outline
- Introduction
- Step 1. Know Your Audience
- Step 2. Show Up to Serve
- Step 3. Create Your Message
- Step 4. Connect With Your Audience
- Step 5. Deliver Exceptional Value
- Conclusion
Free Course Introduction
A bit of background on the course as well as an introduction to the instructor, Brandy M. Miller.
Step 1. Know Your Audience
Before you can get someone to lean in and listen to you, it’s important to find out more about them. In this module of the free course, we’ll discuss how to do that.
Step 2. Show Up to Serve
Service is a big part of getting others to lean in and listen to you. Learn more about the value of service and how to show up ready to serve.
Step 3. Create Your Message
Putting together the right message, one that will speak the language of the person you’re trying to attract and show why you are worth their time, is a critical part of getting anyone to lean in and listen to you.
Step 4. Connect With Your Audience
Connecting to your audience so you can share the message you created is a critical component of getting them to lean in and listen to you. This lesson shares tips on how to do that.
Step 5. Deliver Exceptional Value
When you offer service, be sure that you go above and beyond what is expected. Creating an exceptional experience will ensure that you get them raving about the work you’ve done to serve them.
Now that you know our 5-Step Process, here are a few things we’d like to ask you to do.
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