April 27-30, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada
A luxury retreat for those who aspire to live a life where abundance isn’t just a dream. It’s a reality.
To Change Your Life, You Must Change Your Story
There’s a reason 70% of people who win the lottery are broke within just a few years of winning. You can’t enter a life of abundance with the same person you were and keep hold of it. Your internal story about who you are and what you’re capable of doing must be reset first.
That is why we require retreat participants to stay at the Sahara’s Alexandria Suites with us. We want you full immersed in your new life of abundance from the first moment of the retreat until the last so that your brain’s internal standard for what is possible for you is reset. Allowing you to return each night to your comfort zone back home or in your own time share would defeat the purpose – and result in many lost opportunities to develop the relationships that you could be forming to advance yourself to the next level.
This retreat prepares participants to become the person they must be in order for abundance to flow freely to them, including building a million-dollar strategy and the roadmap to get from where they are to where they want to be in 2023.
Every Area Of Your Life Must Be Evaluated And Re-Examined
To help you become the person you must be in order to achieve and fulfill your dreams, we’ll evaluate and address every area of your life. You’ll learn to create a space that invites authentic love into all the relationships of your life to unlock the abundance it brings. We’ll examine the way that you think, dress, act, and speak about and to yourself as well as how that impacts those around you.
What The Retreat Includes:
- A consultation with a professional stylist and a wardrobe capsule with a custom look
- On-site hair and makeup stylist
- Professional headshots featuring the new you wearing your new look
- Delicious meals
- Luxurious accommodations in the Sahara’s Alexandria Tower
- Creation of a million-dollar strategy and a roadmap for executing it
- A chance to network and bond with like-minded men and women in an intimate setting
** Must register two weeks before the event to guarantee on-time delivery of the wardrobe capsule **
Our Retreat Agenda
Thursday, April 27th
6 pm Acquaintance/Hospitality Hour
· Arrival announcements (Check-in)
· Receive customized name badge on a lanyard
· Gourmet popcorn and light refreshments
7 pm The Grand Entrance (Welcome)
· Giving Thanks
· Program Introduction/Abundance Guide
· Dream Dollars Giveaway
· Love Letters
· Introductions and Intentions
· The Gift of Being Blocked
· Opening Your Gift
8 pm Taking Out the Trash Pizza Party
· Pizza dinner
· Burning Up the Negatives
9 pm Pillow Talk
· Speaking and writing our abundance dreams into existence
10 pm Farewell & Sweet Dreams
· Gift Bags given to attendees
Friday, April 28th
9 am Breaking Open Abundance Breakfast
· Gratitude Prayer
· Abundance Table Topics
· Free Writing to Freedom
· The Love Quadrant Explanation & Exercises
· Troubleshooting Our Blockages
11 am The Negative Emotions Parade
12 pm Race to TedX Abundance Lunch
· Finding your life-saving, history-shaping, world-changing story and the opportunity that participants in the full Breaking Open Abundance Journey will have to deliver it on a national platform with TedX
2 pm BE (ready for) the Media
· A workshop to help you prepare for your life of abundance
4 pm Refresh and Reset Break
5:30 pm Reclaiming Your Power Dinner Hour
· Exploring the power of our words
6:30 pm Explore Vegas Your Way!
· Take advantage of the evening to find what lights you up as you walk through Vegas’s lights
Saturday, April 29th
10 am Breaking Down the Blockages Breakfast
· Applying our newly discovered power to reclaim our lives
11 am Creating Your Dream Strategy
· Building a vision for your dream life
12 pm Showing Up for Yourself Lunch
· Brand & personal styling tips & strategies
1:30 pm Dream Collaboration Scavenger Hunt
3:30 – 6:00 pm Styling Sessions & Photographs
6:30 pm A Table for One Meditation
7:30 pm One-On-One Breaking Open Abundance Sessions Begin
Sunday, April 30th
9 am Spring Forward into Action Breakfast
· Recognition & Awards
· Find the ONE thing necessary to move forward into your life of abundance
· Cash in your DREAM DOLLARS
12 pm Exit to Abundance
Secure Your Spot Now!
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Can’t Attend Our Retreat? Want Us To Host One For You and Your Tribe/Organization?
We’re happy to help. Send an email to info@breakingopenabundance.com with the subject line [ABUNDANCE RETREAT]. We’ll need to know the number of people you would like on your retreat, the location where you would like the retreat to be held, the dates and times, your name and number, and the best times to reach you. We’ll get back in touch to schedule your retreat.